Emmie Tsuro

I've conquered for Cancer Council

I’m walking for a cancer free future

I’m taking on 7 Bridges Walk on Sunday 22 October 2023 and will be uniting with the community to walk 28km around Sydney Harbour. 

Every year in NSW alone, more than 53,000 new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed and the impact on families, carers and communities is significant. 

Please sponsor me and help those affected by cancer. Every step counts because all funds raised will help Cancer Council NSW work towards the vision of a cancer free future. Thank you for your support!

So far this year I’ve helped provide:

102 kids with a SunSmart education


70 calls to trained cancer professionals on 13 11 20


21 days of a PHD student’s world-class research

Thank you to my Sponsors



You’re one helluva sport 💗


Anthony Beckett

Good luck! Enjoy your walk!


James & Sem Hinton

You’re amazing gorgeous queen, what a selfless conqueror😍


Michelle Gusha

Love you my fierce, resilient and brave girl!!!! Keep shining 🌟



Well done big sis!!


Chris Briggs


Joseph Alvarez


Emmie Tsuro


Tino Morel Tsuro


Nyari Utete

You got this.


Andrew Smith


Sarah Herbert

Emmie, you are an inspiration and a treasure. You will conquer this with your incredible determination and resilience.


Licinio Lisboa

Go Emmie!!!! You can do it and what a great cause!!!!


Ryan Recio


Margaret Bowen

You got this Always 🙏


Stuart J Meredith


Matt Stockdale

Well done Emmie - Good luck!!


Adriana Samson

I hope you'll end the 28km walk with the same beautiful smile. You go, girl!


Jason Bourke


Leon Yokhanis

What a superstar! You’re an inspiration to all!


Carila Colina

You are such an amazing person, always supporting others. I hope your journey keeps getting easier next to your love one.


Oliver Geoghegan


Jo Gweja

Well done for doing the walk!


Connie Geoghegan


John Lawrie



Well done you



Well done Emmie! Enjoy the day


Vera Thompson

Go Emmie! 💛


Robert Carry

You are a very strong person Emmie and a role model to us all. Hope you have nice weather for your walk


Tony Nicholson

Go Emmie


Michelle Nadge

Good Luck Emmie, so proud of you!


Tracy Opio

We love you Emmie!! Cheering you on!! The Opios xx


Tendai Ikeleng

Good luck


Trisha Hassan


Fahad Wasim




Andrew Holgate

Well done Emmie!


Atu Tsuro


Brendan Ludlow